Tell us about the town.

60k with a downtown,
Lake Hiawatha which has a variety of eateries and shopping,
Lake Parsippany has a lake membership which is optional,
Glacier Hills and Sedgefield which have a recreational area that have memberships available,
plus other areas such like Powdermill, Hills of Troy, Lake Intravale and neighborhoods which carry a Boonton or Morris Plains mailing address.

Parsippany has a very diverse community which in town uses our 10 grammar schools, two middle schools and two high schools.
Links to websites for checking out school ratings.
Parsippany has a few day care facilities around town; Parsippany Daycare, Goddard School, Learning Experience and others available.
What kind of shopping/amenities are in town?
Willowbrook Mall in Wayne within 10 miles and Rockaway Townsquare Mall also within 10 miles of Parsippany with many restaurants of all ethnicities available in town and shops scattered throughout.
How far is the nearest Grocery Store?
Shop Rite on the Hiawatha side of town and Stop N Shop Lake Parsippany side but within 10 min others like Walmart, Acme, Trader Joes and Foodtown are available.
How far is the closest hospital?
St. Claire in Denville and Morristown Memorial are the closest in the area.
Groups to join/be a part of:
Neighborhood Page:
There are Public Libraries which are available and are open to all residents.
Parsippany has a parks and forestry commission which keeps our area clean as well as a sanitation department with twice a week pick up including mixed recyclables once a week.

What activities are there to do for adults and/or kids?
Various parks in town which include Smith Field, Veterans, Jannorone which have playgrounds and recreational fields available.
What is the traffic like?
Parsippany has a large corporate community with traffic around the 202 corridor and Rt 10 area during rush hours in the morning and afternoon.

Morristown and Denville have trains running to NYC daily and park n rides available on Rt 46 which run into the city daily.
Does the town have it’s own paid police, fire, ems departments?
Parsippany has six volunteer fire departments, paid police force and volunteer EMT.
It is a safe town with a police force which is heavily involved with the schools and its community.
What does the average home cost and what are property taxes like?
Taxes are affordable and have been lower than most areas due to the corporations which assist to keep taxes in balance with all the amenities the town offers.
How does garbage disposal work?
Twice a week garbage and once a week mixed recyclables pick up with a sanitation yard available Mon-Sat for its residents use.
For more information about this area or to ask questions, please reach out to our Town Expert, Derek Loux.
